Wednesday, May 20, 2015

From the Beginning

I am currently nearing the end of my first year of graduate school and I have gotten the urge to start this blog to share my experiences at graduate school. With this, I will back track a little and start at the very beginning of my graduate school experience which started during undergrad.

My undergraduate work was done at a relatively small public university. I majored in chemistry and physics, which also gave me a minor in mathematics.  My desire to go to graduate school started after my first term of being TA and I decided that I wanted to be a professor. With this goal in sight, I began to take all the necessary steps to get into graduate school. I participated in as many chemistry related activities that I could so that I would look good to a graduate program. I worked as a tutor, lab teaching assistant, and stockroom assistant, I was a part of a research group, and I was an officer in the chemistry and pre-pharmacy club for a few years. Shortly after deciding on going to graduate school, I found a research group that let me do undergraduate research and would mentor me in hopes of turning me into a great graduate student.

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